Technical Faculty
Dr. Sudheer Dwivedi , Joint Director: -
Dr. George V. Joseph, Joint Director
Brief Profile
A Disaster Management Professional with PhD. in Social Work from RDVV- Jabalpur, a Masters from the University of Madras and BA (Hon.) from St. Antony’s College-Shillong, North Eastern Hill University. Has over 28 years of experience in the varied fields of disaster management, human resource development, education and community development in various states of India. The PhD work was on “Major Accident Hazardous Industries and the Risk Perceptions of the people”.
Over 20 years of exclusive National Level experience in disaster management planning, capacity building, research, advocacy, awareness advisory services. Major projects handled include, disaster management capacity building programme under the Central Sector scheme- ministry of agriculture , Government of India, Institutionalization of incident command system in India, community based disaster risk reduction- a joint project of Government of Madhya Pradesh and Unicef, Disaster Management Capacity Building Programme, Government of Madhya Pradesh, School Safety Programme - Government of Madhya Pradesh, Contingency Planning -Narmada Valley Development Authority, Hospital Safety programme- National Health Mission, NGO capacity building on disaster management programme- World Vision, CASA, Red Cross, Capacity building programmes for financial institutions NABARD, RBI, Preparation of off-site emergency management plans etc. Has also undertaken research projects like mid-term evaluation of Gujarat Earthquake intervention by international NGOs, risk perception studies, community preparedness etc.
Has experience of working with National University for Educational Planning and Administration (Formally NIEPA) –New Delhi, Allen Bradley India Ltd. (Rockwell Automation), Asian Centre for Organisation Research and Development, CEVA, Caritas India, Don Bosco Social Welfare Society etc. in various capacities, in different parts of country including in the North East India.
Major subject expertise include among others, Psycho-social impact of disasters and their management, Disaster Management Planning, Disaster Research and Documentation, Incident Command System, Community Based Disaster Management, Off-site emergency management planning, Table top exercise and mock drills, child protection in emergencies, Risk Perceptions studies and Risk Communication, Participatory Learning Methods, Result based management, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, Project management, project monitoring and evaluation, Social Science Research, Hospital Disaster Management Planning, Integration of DRR into development process, NGOs and Disaster Management, Networking and Partnership development for effective disaster management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Disaster Risk Reduction, Training Need Assessment, Training Design, Training Evaluation etc.
Dr. Asit Patra, Deputy Director
Brief Profile
A. Present Affiliation
Deputy Director (Faculty), Disaster Management Institute, Department of Home, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, ParyavaranParisar, E-5 Arera Colony, Bhopal – 462016.
B. Nature of Work and Subject Area
Training, Awareness, Advisory/Consultancy and Research on Disaster Management Planning, Dispersion Modelling (3D/2D), Consequence Analysis and Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) in industries, Chemical Disaster/Emergency Management plans (On-site and Off-site), HAZOP study, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Safety Audit various types of industries/industrial estates/districts etc. across the country.
C. Consultancy Projects (as Principal Investigator and Team Leader)
- Completed more than 120…… far
D. Training Programs/ Workshops etc. Conducted
- Specialised/CustomisedTraining programs: For the NDRF battalions/ Corporates (ONGC, GAIL, NTPC, HPCL etc.)/MoEFCC/CPCB/Directorates of Industrial Safety and Health (Govt. of Maharashtra, Karnataka, M. P.) etc. across the country.
- National Level Workshops: For Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) installations, ENVIScentres, NDMA for National Action Plan on Chemical Disasters etc.
- Mockdrils across the country: Hindustan Zinc Ltd. (Rajasthan), Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd. (Karnataka), GAIL (Vijaypur), Indraprasth Gas Ltd. (Delhi), HPCL (Visakhapatnam), Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. IOCL and BPCL LPG Bottling Plants (Bhopal), BHEL plant (Bhopal) etc.
- Around 25 programs (including Awaresness) per annum for the various departments of Govt. of M. P., viz., Agriculture, PHED, PWD, Industry, Home, Health, Family Welfare, Animal Husbandry, Technical Education etc. (Funded by Govt. of M. P.).
E. Academic Background
- Post-Doctorate Research Fellow and Research Associate at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi (1998 -1999)
- Ph. D in Atmospheric Physics (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 1999)
- M. Tech in Atmospheric Sc. and Tech. (Applied Physics) (IIT, Kharagpur, 1994)
F. Research Publications
- In International / National Journals: 13
- In International /National Conferences: 09
G.Thesis Supervision
·At Post Graduate level:07 (Students from IIT Chennai; MANIT Bhopal; CEPT Ahmedabad, Gwalior University).
- At Graduate level:05 (Final year Chemical Engineering students of MANIT Bhopal).
H. Specialised Training Received
I. On Disaster Management
- University of Hull, U. K. and Safety Solutions Ltd., London (2003) (01 Month)
II. On Risk Based Chemical Process Safety Management
- Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai (2001) (01 week)
- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad (2001) (01 week)
III. OnSoft Computing Techniques in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- MANIT Bhopal (2012) (01 week)
IV. On Detection, Prevention and Response to Radiological Threats by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (2014) (01 week).
V. On Direct Trainers Skills (DTS) and Training Methodology
- Direct Trainers Skills, DoPT, Govt. of India (2012) (01 week)
- National Institute of Technical Teachers Training Institute, Govt. of India, Bhopal (2001)(01 week)
I. Awards/Fellowships/Accolades etc.
- V. Bhavanarayana Award from India Meteorological Department, New Delhi (1996) for the best research paper.
- Young Scientist from Deptt. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India (2003) and Granting of Research Fellowship for three years (2003 – 2006).
- Expert Nominated by the CPCB, Delhi for Analysis of Risk in Common Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility at Bahrauch, Gujarat (2008).
- Core Memberin the National Level Technical Team formed by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), New Delhi for preparation of National Action Plan on Chemical Disaster Management (2009).
J. Technical Competency/Know-how
- CFD modelling (3D/2D): ANSYS, CFX etc.
- Dispersion Modelling and Consequence Analysis in industries
- Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) in Chemical industries
- On-site and Off-site Emergency Management Plans
- Process Hazard Analysis (PHA): HAZOP/FMEA etc.
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Techniques of industrial accidents
- Smoke modeling due to fire on petroleum products/bulk installations
- Rules and Regulations on Chemical Safety and Emergency (National & International).
- Emergency planning while transporting hazardous chemicals on road
- Safety Audit and Environment Audit
- Weather and Climate Related Disasters
K. Commands on specialized software(forDispersion Modeling, Risk Analysis etc.):
- CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Modelling (3D) through ANSYS, CFX, etc.
- Phast Risk (DNVTechnica), EFFECTS (TNO), HAZOP-Pro, -Pro, ALOHA, ALOFT Smoke model etc.
Ms Priyanka Saxena, Assistant Director
SYNOPSIS An MCA having twenty years of working experience with Disaster Management
Institute (Home Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh), Bhopal as Asstt. Director.
Providing Training in Disaster Management as Faculty to various sectors Government departments, Involved in Consultancy Pojects i.e OFF SITE Disaster Management Plan ,Safety AUDIT .Conducting Awareness Programmes of Disaster Management in various districts of M.P
I am fully experienced in the use, application and problem solving of a broad fields of software’s. Worked on GIS (Geographical Information System), MIS, and Database Management System & Relational Database Management System. Also Developing, Maintaining &updating the website of Disaster Management Institute in the capacity of a Webmaster
MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATION Barkatullah University with 72%(Govt. Gitanjali Girls College)
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BarkatullahVishwavidyalaya with 70% (Nutan College)
DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONICS & TELECOMMUNICATION M.P Technical University with 76% (Women’s Polytechnic, Govt College)
Organization: Disaster Management Institute, Bhopal
- Training Delivered on " Emergency Response Plan" at NTPC Vindyachal
- Training Delivered on " Legal Aspects & Technological Aspects in Chemical Disaster Management"
- Safety Audit at Rajpura ,Punjab
- Disaster Management Smart City Plan of Jalandhar
- OFF SITE Emergency Plan of Industries of Bhatinda
- Developing GIS based Digitized Maps on Onsite/Offsite Emergency Plans of Industries i.e Bhopal Offsite Emergency Plan, Bhilai Steel Plant , NTPC Mauda, NTPC Tapovan
- Developed a Software & maintained a Database for Khandwa Plan related to the management & tracing of resources at the time of disaster.
- Developed & regularly Updating Website of Disaster Management Institutei.e
- Developed and updation of Institute Website
- Also monitoring the working Condition of the hardware’s available in the Institute. Maintaining the computer section of the Institute
- Developed Software ‘Employees Leave Record’ for CMC. New Delhi, a Govt. enterprise (software designed for maintaining leave record for CMC employees)
- Worked on GIS for digitizing the Maps of Malanpur (a largest industrial estate of the State) &Pandhana (a seismically active area of the State)
- Worked on Project ENVIS (Environmental Information System) under Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi as INFORMATION OFFICER. Maintained website
- Maintained database for Sustainable Development Network Partners under Indo–Canadian Environmental facility project (ICEF)
- Released CD on “Earthquake in e-media“
- Developed Software ‘Regional Register for Potentially Toxic Chemicals’ for Punjab Government.
- Developed Website of Housing & EnvironmentDepartment ,Govt of M.P i.e.
- Worked as Administrator on Web Platform “Human Resource Development Platform” based on Content Management System.
- Delivers lecture on “ IT application in Disaster Management”& DDMP
- Languages: COBOL, Basic, Pascal, Fortran, C/C++, HTML, JavaScript, JAVA
- DBMS: FoxPro 2.6 ,RDBMS: Oracle 8i with Developer 2000
- Done E-Commerce (ASP, Java)
- Worked on GIS, AUTOCAD